Monday, September 12, 2011

Grand Canyon

Well, vacation went swimmingly.  The Grand Canyon is an E-Ticket (for those of you who remember Disneyland when they sold tickets per ride).  I guess I just dated myself.  But on to what we are doing to get ready for Japan.  The vacation was a big part of the prep, I have always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon and this base is the closest we will ever be to it.  I will never get over the wonder that God provided with the Grand Canyon.
The Girls Enjoying a Sarsaparilla (AKA RootBeer)  At lunch the first Day while it Stormed outside

Monday, August 1, 2011

We are going to Japan

As a Navy wife, I am used to not having control.  It took me a long time to get accustom to that fact "I do not have Control."  I am a habitual planner by nature and profession, so when Hubby tells me it will happen when it happens it drives me bonkers. So let's just get it out there I am bonkers and have been that way for eight years. But back to going to Japan.  Last March hubby was looking at orders and asked if I would be willing to go to Japan.  My answer was an enthusiastic YES. I love sushi and all things Japanese. I also was needing a foreign language class for the girls.  But my next question was is this real?  We never have been given this much notice.  So I started the girls on Japanese.  I tried to start speaking it too. I also arranged for a home stateside for the Dogs just in case we really got to go.  But other than that I back burner-ed the idea. Thinking I will PLAN for the possiblity but be prepared for the disappointment when it does not happen.

So Here Was the Plan:

Go to Carlsbad Caverns that was planned for April and was postponed due to Congress and the Budget woes.  The budget has been a major worry for me this year I just pray that it gets done.  Go to a homeschoolers conference so I have an idea of how to show what the girls have done scholastically while I have homeschooled them for the last year. I need to have the records ready for the highschool in Sasebo, Japan. Go to training with PWOC, I am serving on the board here, until I leave.  Go to the Grand Canyon (this is the closest we will be until Hubby retires.) and Mom and Dads time share.  Chance to catch up with family.  Hubby has not been since he joined the Navy.

Here We are On The Plan:

I have gone to the homeschooler's conference and the PWOC training.  We are getting ready to leave for the Grand Canyon and the Time Share. We are trying to figure out dropping the Dogs at my mom's house and on the way back try to go to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.  I am hoping it will work,

We finally received orders last week and we have fifteen days to get our screenings done. Yikes. It is real is all I can think.  We are leaving this week for the Grand Canyon and the Timeshare. So this week is going to be a scramble to get it all done.   I will post next week from the Grand Canyon or the TimeShare, results from this weeks scramble.  We are also waiting on Cheif's results.  Wish Hubby luck. We know that the plans will go topsy turvy if he makes it but that is the Way of the Navy.  Plans are written in the Sand with the tide coming in.